by Brad V | Aug 8, 2018 | Press
WILDWOOD — Hundreds of people turned out Sunday for the city’s second annual mud run on the beach next to the convention center. Source: Wildwood hosts family-friendly mud run on the beach
by Brad V | Jul 2, 2018 | Press
Our family mud run going on later this summer has been featured as one of the best kid friendly events to do in the Cape Mat NJ area. Check out the article and besure to sign up today for out KIDS BEACH MUD RUN in Wildwood NJ today! We’ve got your back this summer in...
by Brad V | Jun 12, 2018 | Press
by Brad V | May 30, 2018 | Press
A new comfort care home is raising money as it plans to open soon in the Rochester area.Story of Hope will be located on Marshall Road in Chili. In order to boost funding for the home, the group is holding an event called Your First Mud Run. It’s happening Source: Mud...
by Brad V | May 30, 2018 | Press
From outdoor activities for the kids to food and artisan vendors, there will be a lot to do at SteelStacks this weekend. BETHLEHEM, Pa. – From outdoor activities for the kids to food and artisan vendors, there will be a lot to do at SteelStacks this weekend. The Step...